Events & Experiences

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New Adventures Every Day

We delight in scheduling on-site activities to connect our residents and bring extra joy into their days. Talent shows, holiday celebrations, and outdoor patios are just a few of the ways we engage our community. Join our walking club, enjoy an arts and crafts night, or watch a movie together in our theater. 

On top of all that, the historic community of Fayetteville is in your backyard at Heritage Place. Catch a Fayetteville Woodpeckers baseball game, explore the nearby Cape Fear Botanical Garden, or enjoy a delightful shopping outing. 

Book a visit and immerse yourself in our vibrant events programming. 

What to Expect in Our Community

Our community is the perfect place to enjoy a diverse array of engaging events that cater to a variety of interests. 

Enjoy restaurant-style dining, take a painting class, and catch a blockbuster movie at our on-site theater. Or just relax in our games area or library—the choice is yours, and we empower you to do it with wellness and ease

What’s Around Heritage Place?

Nestled in the heart of Fayetteville’s Downtown Historic District, our community is connected to a historic local community—and so are you. 

Explore the surrounding area and enjoy varied shopping experiences, local performing arts, and centuries-old cathedrals. 

Enjoy baseball games, local dining experiences, and museum tours thanks to our comprehensive transportation services. Take a moment to reflect in the nearby Veteran’s Memorial Park, and lose yourself in the Cape Fear Botanical Garden, steps away from our front door. 

Schedule a Visit

Heritage Place Senior Living is where history meets heart, and our vibrant events programming is where this connection can start. 

Explore today, book a visit to see what our community has to offer. 

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