Dining & Culinary

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Dine With Us 

We offer restaurant-style dining experiences, prioritize nutrition, and promote social connection. 

We view every meal as an opportunity to show our care for our residents. Each culinary experience is carefully crafted by our executive chefs to support overall wellness and taste delicious.

With dining rooms on every floor and multiple meal options for our residents to choose from, we delight in meeting everyone’s unique needs in a flexible, welcoming way. Our servers deliver warm smiles and genuine compassion alongside every dish. 

Book a tour today and join us at Heritage Place for your next great meal.

Restaurant-Style Dining at Heritage Place

We offer our residents customizable meals that are rich in both nutrition and flavor. Our dining options are available in multiple dining rooms, located on every floor of our building. 

This restaurant-style experience is enhanced by personalized service from our expert, compassionate culinary staff. Every meal is made to feel special in our community.  

Our Culinary Gallery

Good Food Matters

We can’t wait to serve you a good meal at Heritage Place Senior Living. Our dining room is the place to enjoy an amazing meal and amazing company. 

Schedule a visit today and be our guest. 

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