Assisted Living in Fayetteville

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Genuine Hospitality & Comprehensive Care

We blend warmth, comfort, and sophistication with our beautiful community, top-tier amenities, and holistic wellness and dining offerings, surrounded by the historical charm of downtown Fayetteville. 

We value finding a balance between independence and support that feels right for you. That’s why our assisted living residents receive personalized care, including assistance with the daily activities of living, medication management, and more. 

We invite you to explore our beautiful building and discover how our services can brighten and enrich each day. 

What Is Assisted Living?

Assisted living is for those who cherish their independence but desire professional support with daily tasks. 

Whether assistance is desired with daily activities or general well-being, Heritage Place caters to a vibrant lifestyle that prioritizes health and happiness. Some of our services include:

  • Assistance with bathing and dressing as needed
  • Help getting in and out of bed
  • Help getting to meals and other activities
  • Additional assistance at mealtime, if needed
  • Discreet personal care whenever needed
  • Access to visiting physicians & our convenient on-site therapy

Welcome Home: Lifestyle & Wellness Plans

We understand the importance of finding the right residence and creating a personalized wellness plan. Our blend of hospitality and care sets us apart. Our Lifestyle & Wellness Plan goes beyond basic needs, offering comprehensive social and wellness support tailored to each resident’s desires. 

Learn more about our unique approach to wellness here.

Assisted Living Services

We’ve designed our services to give residents the support they need while maintaining the lifestyle they want. We blend convenience and comfort to enrich each day for our residents.

We provide access to a host of medical services with our visiting onsite physicians. From General wellness, podiatry, dentistry to mobile labs and x-ray.

Our on-site therapists provide personalized physical and occupational services as well as speech language pathology to help residents achieve their wellness goals–whatever they may be.

Let us help keep track of your medications, from timing to organization. With our on-site pharmacy, this service is made extra convenient. 

Assisted Living Apartments

For Assisted Living residents, we offer two different studio suite/1-bath options with the in-community amenities you desire and the professional care you need.

Our assisted living apartments feature:

  • Individual thermostat controls
  • Utilities (electricity, water, telephone)
  • Housekeeping & laundry
  • 24-hour concierge.

And like all the apartments at Heritage Place, they’re pet-friendly

Find Continuous Care

At Heritage Place Senior Living, there’s so much more to discover. Imagine days filled with endless possibilities, where professional care blends effortlessly with comfort, providing a nurturing and supportive environment.

Plan a visit to experience the essence of our community firsthand.

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